
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Home, sweet home.


Shorts: Primark // Sunglasses: Michael Kors

I can't believe today is already the last day of July. It was a fantastic month for me, cuz I got the chance to go home and visit my family. Since I live in Ireland this was the first time I went home during the summer. I can't tell how much I missed the real summer, the feeling when it's so warm that you melting on the sun (nice 35 C degrees), starting my day with a big jump in the pool, having fresh vegs and fruits from my granny's garden, and of course spending time with my family and friends. 
Good news, that the holyday season didn't end yet, definitely not for me. I am flying to Lisbon tomorrow, where I'm going to spend 4 days with my boyfriend. And here comes the hardest duty of the day: packing. 
Do you have any holyday plans for the rest of the summer?

Thank you for your lovely comments!

Hihetetlen, hogy máris július utolsó napjára ébredtünk. No.1  hónap volt ez számomra, hiszen 2 év után végre hazajutottam nyáron is. Mióta Írországban élek, ez még nem jött össze. El sem tudom mondani, mennyire hiányzott (és hiányzik jelenleg is) az igazi nyár, amikor annyira meleg van, hogy szinte elolvadsz a napon, fejessel kezdeni a napot, zöldségeket, friss gyümölcsöket falni mami kertjéből, na és persze a legfontosabb: család, barátok. 
A "nyári szünet" azonban még nem ért véget, holnap délelőtt már Lisszabonban leszek , ahol 4 gyönyörű napot fogok eltölteni a barátommal.  Addig viszont vár még rám a nap legnehezebb feladata: pakolás. Sok sikert nekem!

Monday, July 28, 2014




Same outfit, same day but different location. 

We were just heading back home from the beach when we changed our mind, stopped the car and went for a walk in beautiful Howth. I used to come here on regular basis with friends since is not too far away from where I live and man...this little half-island has everything I can wish for when it comes about spending my time somewhere out in nature: charming pats, a horse in the middle of nowhere which you can feed with carrots you are carrying in your bag, beautiful view from the top of the hill. You can surely switch off all your stress receptors here and enjoy all the beauty this place has to offer.  "Nature is fuel for the soul" - I have read somewhere, and couldn't agree more. Have a beautiful day!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The first post - Portmarnock beach


Top: Primark // Skirt: Asos // Watch: Urban Outfitters

I am writing my first post on this new online - mostly fashion -playground. After toying with the idea of opening a  blog for some time, finally, the day has come.
Hope you will enjoy your first and hopefully not the last visit as much I enjoyed to spend my day on the beautiful beach of Portmarnock. I wish we had more summer days with endless blue sky, sunshine and hot sand..when the only things you need are your sunglasses and a straw hat.

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